We are NOW attending Durham Farmers’ Market and are available for direct sales! Due to COVID-19, we offer pickup at Durham Farmers’ Market on Saturdays 10 am - 12 pm at The Spicy Hermit booth for preordered items. You can still order online for delivery to anywhere in the Durham, NC county area on Fri 5-7 pm.
Other locations (preordering may be required, check individual site for info):
Accordion Club (Downtown Durham)
Bull City Farm (South Durham or Rougemont)
Durham Co-op (Durham)
Locopops Sundries (Durham)
Saturday Market at Rebus Works (Raleigh)
Mae Farm (Raleigh)
Harmony Farms (Raleigh)
The Bradford Market (Huntersville)
Downtown Market (Fayetteville)
Homegrown Market (Wilmington)
Weaver St. Market (Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough, Raleigh)
Part and Parcel (Durham)
Ninja Cow Farm (Raleigh)
Wholesale inquiries? You can contact our local distributor Happy Dirt for info.